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Quarta-feira, 08.05.13

Bail-in As Más Noticias!

Declaração de Nuno Melo hoje na sua pagina do FB:


"A Comissão Europeia acaba de me confirmar que a solução de capitalização de bancos em dificuldades, com recurso ao dinheiro dos depositantes, tal qual aconteceu no Chipre, poderá ser extensiva aos demais países."


Segundo a resposta do Comissário Barnier, "para minimizar o impacto sobre os contribuintes, o instrumento de resgate interno («bail-in») previsto nesse enquadramento permitirá a um banco ser recapitalizado através da anulação ou diluição das participações accionistas e da redução ou conversão em acções dos créditos dos credores. Os depósitos inferiores a 100 000 euros continuarão a ser plenamente garantidos e são explicitamente excluídos deste instrumento."

Enquanto no Eurointelligence:

"Martin Wolf is getting very angry!
Martin Wolf has an angry column about Germany’s attempt to Germanise Europe. He provides one of the succinct overviews of the eurozone crisis we have yet read, and makes the points that Germans misread the built-up of public sector debt in countries such as Spain as a sign of fiscal profligacy, whereas it was a consequences of private sector imb...alances that had built up previously. With austerity and relatively tight monetary policies, Wolf argues, the eurozone is now adjusting the way Germany has always adjusted, through the current account. He noted that France will be the only large eurozone economy with a current account deficit this year. The eurozone as a whole is forecast to run a current account surplus of 2.5% of GDP.
“If one wants to understand how far the folly goes, one must study the European Commission’s work on macroeconomic imbalances. Its features are revealing. Thus, it takes a current account deficit of 4 per cent of GDP as a sign of imbalance. Yet, for surpluses, the criterion is 6 per cent. Is it an accident that this happens to be Germany’s? Above all, no account is taken of a country’s size in assessing its contribution to imbalances. In this way, Germany’s role is brushed out. Yet its surplus savings create huge difficulties when interest rates are close to zero. Its omission makes this analysis of “imbalances” close to indefensible.”

Expectável, quando mais ninguém pensa!

Geoestratégia disse Ela*!
Geopolítica faz Ela*!

E a Geoeconomia Dela*?
Á falta de melhor, ou de outra, aplica-se a Dela*!



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por cincolusosoceanos às 11:28

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